Morrison Observatory

Central Methodist University’s Morrison Observatory delivers a unique and enriching experience for CMU students, the Fayette community, and visitors.

It brings to life the popular, historical image of how an observatory would be perceived – a lone scientist looking through a long lens inside a domed structure. This image dates back to the era of the Clark telescope, and perfectly depicts Morrison Observatory’s unique features and visitor experience.

The Observatory even possesses a Clark telescope, which is a 12 ¼-inch refractor. Modern telescopes use mirrors to magnify distant rays of light, but the Clark telescope combines a long body and powerful lens to focus deep space objects into sight. Another feature of the Observatory is a 10-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope.

Built in nearby Glasgow, the Observatory was moved to Fayette in 1935. It is located at 504 Park Road, next to Fayette City Park.

The observatory will be open to the public on January 16 (6:30-8:30 pm), March 27 (7-9 pm), April 3 (7-9 pm), April 17 (7-9 pm), and May 1 (8-10 pm)